How many times have you forgotten to fill your timesheet in at the end of the week? How much time do you spend chasing your team when they've not filled in a full week? Timestamp can help save you time now with automatic weekly email reminders!
All accounts now have access to a new notifications settings tab where you can see your account reminders and choose what to send and when to send them.
We have migrated the approvals reminder email setting over here, and more importantly is the all new timesheet reminder. This is turned off by default for existing accounts but can easily be turned on from here by clicking 'Setup reminder' and setting the time and day you want the email to be sent.
We will send a reminder to everyone in your company that has not filled in enough hours for the week, encouraging them to go to Timestamp to add their missing time. Stop chasing and let us do the work for you. Win back your time.
View your notifications settings now or if you do not have an account sign up now and start making better use of your time.